Tag Archives: Thoughts

E3 So Far…

Sup Guys!

So E3 is in full swing now! its great, I’ve watched some of it live but most of it I will be catching up on the day after, mainly cause im just too old to stay up til 3am watching it, I will probably die of tiredness the next day 😛

Anyways I’m gonna talk about some of my favourite things so far,

I watched the Bethesda conference on YouTube yesterday and my god! it is amazing, if you haven’t seen it go check it out here!

I’m definitely sold and excited about Fallout 4 now!! it looks amazing, the world looks so pretty, the character customization is awesome and allows you to build an even more unique looking character, also the most awesome thing is that you get to play a bit in the pre war world! oh man am I looking forward to that! 😀

I am totally 100% sold on Fallout 4 now, I will be buying it, in fact I even want the Pip Boy edition, oh yeah! £100 take my money Bethesda and give me that Pip Boy!!! *drools*

Here’s a Fallout 4 gameplay trailer for you guys!

What do you think?

I’ve been watching the Twitch live stream during the day though, its pretty good, check it out 😀

The Microsoft conference was also pretty cool, there were some pretty awesome looking Xbox exclusives announced, these have seriously made me consider buying an Xbox One as well as a PS4, I thought the Rare collection looked awesome, all the games that Rare have done on one disc, more or less, and I also really like the look of a Pirate game that they announced, I love pirates! One day I shall become a pirate, sail my awesome ship around the world and stop off at cool isalnds! 😀

Recore also looked like a really artistic awesome game!

AND!!!! HOLOLENS!! Oh my god! that looks absolutely amazing! Seriously! watch the video! I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am for this!! Especially if it works! Damn Microsoft have taken gaming to a whole new level and I have never been happier to be a part of this awesome industry 😀

Don’t tell me that isn’t fucking cool! 😀

There has also been a lot of love for Mobile gaming this year! Which I love, hopefully one day this is the section of the games industry I will go into, but anyway, a lot of big companies have been announcing stuff for mobile, Bethesda for example, released Fallout Shelter….

Of course I went ahead and downloaded it straight away 😀

I have yet to play it though, seeing as I am writing this post on Monday, but I will probably have played it on the train today and I’m sure it is damn awesome!

Microsoft have definitely done really well at E3 this year, so many exciting announcements, their games, their new controller (which looks damn cool btw), the Hololens, backwards compatibility and loads of other things!

Sony better have something just as awesome if not better to announce! We want backwards compatibility too Sony!!!

Anyway, I’m gonna go enjoy the rest of Mondays E3, I shall do a full post about it all when I get back from Nicks 😀

Hope you all have a great week!


New Chapter…

Sup Guys!

Today has been a pretty nothing day, haven’t done much, went into town this afternoon to pay my rent for my student house in Stafford, had a mooch round the shops and came home!

I also went to the garden center with my mom today, I didn’t particularly want to, but she was nagging me so I thought its easier to just say yes than have her moan at me 😛 it was an alright trip I guess, I just get frustrated easily when something that should take ten minutes takes an hour 😛 but I should be used to that with my mom by now!

It’s been an interesting last few weeks, so much has happened 😛 including an amazing weekend with Nick, he is my best friend, he makes me laugh, he’s always there for me and I love hanging out with him 🙂 we’ve had a very heartfelt conversation tonight, after we stepped things up a notch at the weekend 😉 and I cannot stop smiling! he makes me feel amazing! 😀

Anyway, my sister is coming home tomorrow! she’s off to Download for the day on Saturday and we might be going to see the new Jurassic Park movie on Friday! should be a fun weekend, but, there is no way it will live up to last weekend 😛

You guys got any plans for the weekend?

I’m so ready to embrace this new chapter of my life! it’s going to be amazing 😀

See you all tomorrow!


Moving Home – Reblog

I saw this post by a blogger from my Uni…

I can 100% relate to all of these!

Take a look 😀

5 annoying things about moving back home.


The Space That’s In Between Insane & Insecure <3

That is quite possibly one of my favourite lines from a song…. it’s from a Green Day song for anyone who is unsure =)

Its one of them song lyrics that really speak to you, it has done since I was like 16 and my thoughts on it have never changed.

Especially on a day like today, when I’m completely unmotivated to do uni work but I’m making myself do it anyway, I open Unity or UE4 and just stare blankly at it thinking what am I even doing, can I even do this, am I cut out for this kinda work…. and then I just feel crap from then on til I actually start to realise that yes I do understand what I’m doing, I know I can do this and I will be a good game designer one day, it’s just going to take a lot of work and commitment to get there!


So now I’m sitting here writing this so that the next time I feel like this I can come back here and make myself feel better! It may work, it may not, but I guess that is something I will find out in the long run.

It’s not the first and I’m sure it won’t be the last time I’ve felt like this, but I will get through it and I will be better for it….. I guess everyone has days like this don’t they? or is it just me?

Insecurity, I lack the confidence in myself to do the things I know I can do and even then when I do them to the best of my ability I still don’t think its any good, I don’t know why, something must have happened at some point that made me take a huge blow to my confidence? or maybe I’m just naturally a very insecure person?

I’m not as bad as I used to be, I used to hate sitting next to anyone, asking for help, showing other people my work….. fortunately these days I seem to have mostly gotten over that but it still haunts me occasionally and when it does its pretty crippling =/ maybe I’ll grow out of it eventually, maybe I wont, only time will tell =)


I CAN DO THIS!! I know I can, I just need to get out of my head!

Time To Think….

So last night I posted a bit of a vent post about something I was told my ex said, turns out he does still read my blog sometimes =)

Anyway, he messaged me and we had a nice long talk about it all, we’ve cleared the air so everything between us is now good, neither of us wanted it to end with bad feelings and everything was cool til last night….. I guess I was just angry about what I’d heard, he says he doesn’t remember saying anything as harsh as what I was told, which was that he essentially called me a slut, I wasn’t going to mention it to him, I was just gonna forget about it, but, I guess my venting post yesterday helped and it made us talk =)

But yeah, he’s not some nasty dick like I made him out to be, I was just angry…. I guess I shouldn’t blog whilst angry! lesson learnt! =P

We are now friends again and hopefully we wont have any more misunderstandings =)

One Of Them Nights…

Tonight is one of them nights…… you know, the kind where you just listen to one song over and over, it has meaning but it makes you think too much, so you end up getting inside your own head way too far, then you start to over think things….. yeah I’m having one of them….

I’ve shut myself away, which is probably not the best thing to do, not sure why I feel like this cause life is pretty amazing right now =)

Maybe its something to do with what I heard my ex say about me, I took it well and just thought it was hilarious when I first heard it, I have no idea if he still reads my blog, but hey if he does ah well, how he thought it wouldn’t get back to me I really don’t know….. I probably shouldn’t let it eat away at me, leaving him was the best decision I made, I have absolutely no regrets about it cause I’m happier now than I had been in a long time, just 6 years, I thought he had a bit of respect for me…. clearly I was wrong and now I’m just angry, well not angry, more disappointed I guess, ah well, I shouldn’t let it get to me, he needs to move on, I have and I’m never looking back =)

But hey! that’s life I guess! I want to send him a bitchy text, but then that would just make me immature and I’m better than that, I thought I still wanted to be friends once he moved on and got over it all, but now I just don’t think I even have the time of day and I’m sure it is much better that way!

So I’ve gone with the best option and removed him from my friends list on Facebook, he’s out of my life, I care not for him and his stupid opinions of me, that are completely unfounded, the only people’s opinions that matter to me are Matt’s, the rest of my friends and my family’s =)

Music, it is a damn powerful tool, can change your mood so easily, that or I’m just very suggestible!

Now time to make myself happy and forget about all of this! I’m gonna start by getting in my onesie! and then I’m going to watch a movie or play some Assassins Creed!

See y’all tomorrow!


TGI Friday!! Maybe…

Sup Guys!

Thank God Its Friday is a phrase often spoke in my house, and I’m sure many of you are thinking the same thing =D I am lucky enough to not even know what day it is most of the time, now with being done with uni I can just relax all week, though it does get boring pretty fast, luckily I have my driving lessons that split the week up for me and then time goes a little faster =D

Today has been a really slow day, maybe because I didn’t get much sleep last night, I’m currently suffering with a severe case of man flu =( I was gonna go hang out with my niece and Nick today but when I woke up I felt like if I moved I would probably throw up, so decided that a day in bed was needed, I’m feeling a little better now but still not amazing, hopefully today is the peak and ill start to feel better =D

It has been such a nice day as well today, its been about 20 Degrees C. here, ive pretty much worn as little clothing as is acceptable and I’ve still been too hot =/ i’m sweating from places I didn’t think it was possible….. such as my wrists?! what is up with that! I’ve had a pretty high temperature all day on top of it so that probably hasn’t helped =( Man flu alert!!

Seems like I’m going to be having an interesting summer, hanging out with my uni friends at each others houses, I think everyone is coming to mine on the 17th which will be fun as none of them have ever been to Tamworth before, then on the 12th of July we are all off to our friends house in Telford for a marathon D&D session over a weekend! Its gonna be fun =D

I spent most of today playing Hearthstone with my friends, I was gonna sleep all day but I couldn’t it was too hot and I needed to get out of bed, why is it when you want to have a nice lie in you just cant and when you need to get up your body is just like noooo…. more sleep!! its annoying =P


I realise that today’s post is a bit of a mish mash of random thoughts, hopefully its still not boring but hey if it is nevermind =P


I’m gonna go get some rest now guys and I shall see you all tomorrow!
