Mince Pies Anyone?!

So today has been a pretty average day, other than it being New Years Eve of course!

Spent most of it playing GTA Online, its snowing online!! I always see pictures of it but I never thought I would ever actually get to experience it! it’s so cool =D I still have no plans for later so I will most likely spend tonight playing GTA online and drinking kopparberg in my room and occasionally going downstairs, cause I don’t think we are seeing any of the family tonight, no idea why, it actually feels a little bit weird =P

I’ve also been making mince pies today! who says they are just for Christmas, I love mince pies, especially homemade ones, not so keen on shop bought ones they just taste a bit naff if I’m honest =P but mine and my moms homemade ones taste awesome….. I mean I might be a bit bias but my dad likes them and so do the rest of my family, so that’s gotta mean something right?! =P

Our mince pies! =D

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My parents friends are coming over tomorrow for the day, my dad tells me his friend is really into racing games, I’ve never met him before, my dad reckons I should kick his ass at some racing games so I might get a bit of practice in =P can’t let a 55 year old show me up!! Motorstorm for the PS3 is my jam so ima get a few hours in on that then hopefully beat him =D might throw in a bit of Micro Machines too just for good measure =D

Well I hope everyone has a great night and I shall see you all in 2015!


Sarah =)

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