Tag Archives: WoW


So I recently got back into Hearthstone, what with all this free time I have after I’ve finished all my housework… Ok that’s probably not entirely true, it’s more a case of get up play some games of Hearthstone and then force myself to do the housework…

Anyway, it has been such a long time since I last played that all of my decks which were goodish are now crap and there have been so many card changes in the game since i last played that I am super behind, so the last few days i have been playing loads to try and up my gold ready for the new expansion when it comes out, no idea when that will be but it has been rumored so hopefully it’ll be soon and we all know when we get a new expansion we get cards to go with it, so the plan is save a ton of gold, get the expansion and some cards, be good again…. HA!

My favourite classes to play are definitely Mage and Paladin, these are what I played most when I used to play WoW… I’m a bit of a nerd you see and Blizzard make great games, what can I say!
Mage is also something I used to play a lot of in D&D, I like my blaster casters, they are so much fun to play, especially fire sorcerers… LOVE them!

I have been doing kinda Ok, I mean I’m not losing every single game, but, I’m also not winning every single game either, it’s still fun though, completing the quests, getting the gold etc. it’s a good time sink too, I can literally spend hours just playing game after game without realising, I guess that is the sign of a good game right?

Anyone got any good recommendations for games? I need some variety as much as I love Hearthstone!

Some pics from recent games playing Druid, a class I am starting to love 😀